Mountain Views News Saturday, September 11, 2010
Joseph Charles Banis
March 14, 1920 ~ September 3, 2010
Mano sunus (Lithuanian “My son”), Joe, Pop, Grandpa,
Grandpa Joe, Great grandpa B...., whatever Joseph Banis’
relationship, he was always the faith filled, compassionate,
loving and humorous person heaven now celebrates and we
so sorely miss.
Joe was educated in the local Lithuanian Parish School
and local high school as preparation for college with study
in Chemical Engineering and Finance. WWII interrupted
his college for a time but God used this “interruption”
to gift him with meeting and marrying Eunice DeLoach.
Together the two welcomed six children into a home built
on values of Faith in God and support of the less fortunate
here and abroad, all offered in love and great humor! A
thoughtful and informed approach to life was modeled and
expected so education was a high priority. “No one can
take away knowledge” pop said. He clearly believed that
the mind was a gift not to be squandered Joe was born in
Chicago Heights, Illinois, the treasured son of Lithuanian
immigrants, John and Elenora Banis. !
Joe served his country admirably and courageously as
an Air Force Pilot in WWII and the Korean War, with an
Honorable Discharge in 1953. He completed his college
degree and had a successful career in banking. He brought
home financial wisdom and thoughtful jokes to instruct
and humor his family daily. We will never forget that: 1.
“Your savings will earn you money so the most important
use for earnings is SAVING!” and 2. “You don’t go to
college to learn that pie are square (πr2) – pies are round!!”
As a spiritual leader in his family, Joe lived his faith and
modeled and taught it to his family. : Sunday mass, Saturday
confession, parish events and support for missions and the
less fortunate were an important part of his life. He was an
active resident of his beloved Sierra Madre for the last 46
Joe’s legacy is that he loved life, and he gave us a model
for how to live it. He accepted and embraced the challenges
and responsibilities of life, and he taught us how to do the
A Memorial Mass will be held on Saturday, September 11,
2010 at St. Rita Catholic Church Sierra Madre, California
Eunice Banis and the Banis family
Labor Day traditionally is the kick-off for the fall campaign season. In the San Gabriel Valley, simultaneous statewide campaign
offices were opened for the Democratic Party with a great deal of fanfare. Pictured above, the Claremont Headquarters.
Photo by: Howard Hays
Duarte Festival of Authors – A Feast for Booklovers
More than 50 Authors to Speak, Sign Books Oct. 2
More than 50 authors will participate in
talks, panel discussions and book signings
at the 8th annual Duarte Festival of Authors,
Saturday, Oct. 2. The event will take place
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the park at
Westminster Gardens, 1420 Santo Domingo
Ave. Admission is free.
Fr. Gregory Boyle, author of “Tattoos
on the Heart: The Power of Boundless
Compassion,” and founder of Homeboy
Industries, the largest gang intervention
agency in the country, will be among the
day’s featured speakers at 3 p.m.
Also headlining the event will be bestselling
author, leading neuroscientist and frequent
TV guest authority on the mind, aging, and
memory, Dr. Gary Small. Dr. Small will
discuss his latest book, “The Naked Lady
Who Stood on Her Head,” recounting some
of his most unusual cases at 1 p.m.
Presented by The Friends of the Duarte
Library, the Duarte Festival of Authors offers
a feast for book lovers of all ages and tastes.
Once again the festival will showcase a rich
sampling of the diversity of literary talent
who live and work in Southern California.
With the growing popularity of performance
poetry, this year’s festival will feature
Indelible Ink, a showcase of performance
artists whose original work is avant garde,
courageous, entertaining and thought
provoking. Showcase host, Monica Lee
Copeland, one of the early instigators in the
Slam Poetry movement and Jerry Quickley,
award-winning poet, storyteller, hip-hop
artist, and political activist, will be among
those who perform their work at 11:30 a.m.
Among the numerous authors scheduled
to appear and sign their books are mystery
writers, Dennis Palumbo, “Mirror Image;”
Jeff Sherratt, “Detour to Murder;” Joel Fox,
“Lincoln’s Hand;” Gayle Carline, “Freezer
Burn;” Alice Zogg, “Revamp Camp,” and
Ann Carter, “Cape Seduction.”
Pulitzer prize winning journalist turned
award-winning author, Jesse Katz will
present his father/son baseball memoir,
“The Opposite Field,” which was a 2010
summer reading pick by Westways. In tune
with the headlines of troubled young stars,
author C. B. Shiepe’s offers his fiction novel,
“Cliff Falls.” Gerald Schiller, the author of
nine books and a performing magician
will talk about his latest, “It Happened in
Hollywood,” and Thelma T. Reyna, offers
up a collection of short stories in “The
Heavens Weep for Us and Other Stories.”
Readers can draw inspiration from authors
Philip Ostergard, “The Inspired Wisdom of
Abraham Lincoln,” Scott Glabb, “A Saint in
the City,” Judie O’Neill, “The Lazy Woman’s
Guide to Just About Everything,” Marja
Meijers, “Breath of Life,” Brenda Winner,
“Ten Perfect Fingers,” and Chuck Robertson,
“A Simple Man’s Study of Esther.”
A window on the beauty and adventure to
be found in and around the outdoors of
Southern California is chronicled in the
works of Elizabeth Pomeroy, “Lost and
Found,” “John Muir in Southern California,”
and Lahla Keiser, “Glendora’s Backyard: Big
Dalton Canyon,” while author/photographer
Mike Torrey offers a glimpse into “Machu
Picchu’s Terraces of Enlightenment.”
James Aguirre shares the story of “William
Henninger, His Native American Wife,
Teresa and Their Legacy,” and Bert W.
Colima, “Gentleman of the Ring: The Bert
Colima Story,” relates the story about the
life of his middleweight champion father.
Author/decorated Pasadena police officer,
Victor Cass will appear with his new novel,
“Telenovela,” set in Pasadena that alternates
the plot of a Mexican soap opera, the
fictitious “Sofia de Amor,” with the love lives
of two beautiful, sophisticated Latinas who
happen to be the daughters of immigrants.
Authors of children’s and young adult books
include Ann Stalcup, “Leo Politi: Artist of
the Angels,” Jean Blasiar, “Emmy Budd and
the Hijacked Train,” Lois Carlson, “Shadows
of the Past,” and Jenny Hughes, “The
Journeys of Jeff and Jessie.”
Other authors who will be on hand to talk,
meet the public and sign their books include:
Ann Garrett and Nancy Goodell, “TLC for
Frazzled Kids,” Janie Speare, “ABC’s for
Christ,” Loa Blasucci, “All Health’s Breaking
Loose,” Debbie Madison, “Rider Down,”
and Ron Oberon, “Our Earth and Beyond.”
There will also be a host of other treats
awaiting festival-goers, including a fine art
exhibit by local artists.
For more information, call (626) 357-4151
or visit www.friendsoftheduartelibrary.com.
Sierra Madre
The City of Sierra Madre is hosting the 6th annual Oktoberfest
Golf and Tennis Tournament on Saturday, October 2, 2010. All
proceeds from this event directly benefit the youth of Sierra
Madre and the surrounding communities. Proceeds from this
event enable the Youth Activity Center (YAC) of Sierra Madre
to purchase new supplies and equipment and host programs and
classes for YAC members.
The golf portion of the tournament will be held at the Eaton
Canyon Golf Course. The golf tournament will be a nine-hole,
best ball, foursome format. The tennis tournament will be held
at the Orange Grove tennis courts in the City of Arcadia and will
follow a mixed doubles, round-robin format. Both the golf and
tennis tournament will begin at 8:00am.
Following the golf and tennis tournaments a lunch reception and
awards ceremony will be held at the Hart Park House, located at
222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024, at 12:00pm.
There will be a raffle and silent auction during the reception and
awards ceremony. The proceeds from this event will create new
programs and classes at the Youth Activity Center, as well as
purchase much needed furniture for the facility. Currently there
are over 100 youth enrolled at the Youth Activity Center from
Sierra Madre and the surrounding communities.
Registration forms for the Oktoberfest Golf and Tennis
Tournament can be found online at www.cityofsierramadre.com,
or at the following City buildings: Community and Personnel
Services Office located at 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre,
CA 91024; City Hall located at 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra
Madre, CA 91024; and the Library located at 440 W. Sierra Madre
Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024. The cost for the golf tournament
is $70.00 per person and the cost of the tennis tournament is
$50.00 per person, both fees include lunch. If you are interested
in attending the lunch reception and awards ceremony tickets
can be purchased for $25.00 per person. For more information
on the event or on how to contribute please call Kyle Schnurr,
Events Specialist, at 626-355-5278 ext. 705.
411 on H2O
The City of Sierra Madre is sponsoring two “Walk and Talks” and
three Community Water Forums dedicated to the topic of water
operations, water capital improvements, and water department
finances. You’re invited to attend the upcoming events.
Walk & Talk – tour the water treatment & distribution plant, meet
water department staff, learn about what’s involved in providing
quality water, obtain information about the department’s
finances, and most importantly, ask questions. (Approx. 2 hours.)
Community Water Forums – another opportunity to learn
about the City’s water department, finances, operations, and ask
questions, without the need to walk around the water department
maintenance facility. (Approx. 1 hour.)
A few of the items covered include:
Where the City gets its water.
Why are water system improvements needed? Which future
projects are planned? What will it cost?
What are the finances of a city water department?
What happens if the Water Department is unable to meet its
financial obligations?
And much more!
This fall, the City Council will discuss increasing the City’s water
rates. Please provide your input and comments at a Walk & Talk,
or a Community Water Forum, or by contacting City Hall –
the City Council will use your input and comments when they
discuss a future water rate increase.
This is your chance to ask questions, get involved, make
important decisions regarding the long term viability of the
water department.
Come ask your questions!
- Community Water Forum - Monday, Sept. 13, 7:00 pm
Youth Activity Center - 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd.
- Walk & Talk -
Wednesday, Sept. 29,
6:00 pm
Public Works Yard
- 621 E. Sierra Madre
Community Groups,
Associations, or
individuals interested
in hosting a group
presentation may
contact Elisa Weaver,
Director of Community
& Personnel Services at
626-355-5278 to make
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com