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SATURDAY, JULY 2, 2016 VOLUME 10 NO. 27 HAPPY - BIRTHDAY - AMERICA SIERRA MADRE FOURTH OF JULY SATURDAY, JULY 2, 2016 VOLUME 10 NO. 27 HAPPY - BIRTHDAY - AMERICA SIERRA MADRE FOURTH OF JULY CITY OF SIERRA MADRE BIDS FAREWELL TO ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER For almost 50 years the Sierra Madre Community hasPre-Parade Party - Before the July 4th parade, theSierra Madre, CA. – June 28, 2016 – The City ofcontinues to joined together in celebration of the great Americantown will be rockin’ in Memorial Park for the Pre-Sierra Madre has accepted the resignation ofstrategicallytradition with music, picnics, games and the everParade Party & Picnic on Sunday, July 3rd from 5:30Assistant City Manager Elisa Cox. Ms. Cox isplan for Sierrapopular 4th of July Parade. Residents and guests- 10:30pm. The event will feature the outstanding local leaving to join the City of Rancho Cucamonga asM a d r e ’ s crowd Sierra Madre Boulevard to watch youngstersrock music of Groovy Lemon Pie and the not-to-be- Deputy City Manager. In that capacity, she willfuture.” on their patriotic bikes stroll down the route alongsidemissed Bubblewrap fireworks at 8:00pm. Kids and have overall responsibility for the City’s CivicCity Manager hometown heroes like the Sierra Madre Search and grown-up alike will stomp on hundreds of square and Cultural Services including overseeing bothElaine Aguilar Rescue Team and Sierra Madre Fire Department. Thefeet of bubble wrap, making the sounds of shooting the Community Services and Library Servicesstated, “Elisa official sponsor of the 2016 parade is The Kensington.fireworks. Other park activities include the Friends of Departments and coordinating the activitiesis going to be The Kensington-Sierra Madre is an assisted living andSierra Madre Little League Beer Garden (sales benefitmemory care residence in the heart of Sierra Madre,youth sports), Civic Club’s famous confetti eggs, Sierrawithin the City Manager’s and City Clerk’s office.missed. Sierra sitting along the parade route.Madre Community Foundation Dunk Tank (where“It has been an honor and privilege to serve CityMadre’s loss Honorees: you might be able to dunk a local politician) and tonsof Sierra Madre,” stated Ms. Cox “the decision will be Rancho The Sierra Madre 4th of July Committee is pleased toof food for purchase.to leave has been difficult one, however, I look Cucamonga’shonor Pete Siberell as the 2016 Fourth of July ParadeCommunity Picnic Dunk Tank Schedule for Sundayforward to the new challenges and opportunitiesgain.” AguilarGrand Marshal. The Grand Marshal is a person orJuly 3rd – Memorial Park:that the City of Rancho Cucamonga offers.”added, “It was a persons whose efforts over a long period of time has5:30 PM Assistant City Manager Elisa Cox Elisa first began working for the City as atruly a pleasurebeen beneficial to the community of Sierra Madre. The6:00 PM Sue Berhrens, Alverno High School cashier at the Sierra Madre Pool in 1995. Since working with title of Grand Marshal is intended to honor a person6:30 PM Mayor Pro Tem Rachelle Arizmendi joining Sierra Madre full-time in 2005, Elisa hasElisa; her creativeness, intelligence, dedication and or persons’ volume of work, dedication and overall7:00 PM Grand Marshal Pete Siberell been instrumental in Sierra Madre’s selection as enthusiasm really made her stand out and I believe enhancements to our community. Pete is a shining7:30 PM Library & Community Services Director an All American City, implementing the City’sshe will succeed at all of her future endeavors.” example of this.Ryan Baker first stand-alone Human Resources Department,Due to a previously scheduled vacation, Elisa’s Since moving to Sierra Madre he has been involved8:30 PM 4th of July Chair Jim Annes and increasing communications with residentslast day at City Hall will be Tuesday, July 12, 2016. with a number of community efforts including Sierra8:30 PM Kris Lowe, hometown hero Madre Little League, Friends of the Library, LibraryCome hit the streets for the 6th Annual Speroespecially in regards to the City’s General FundA going-away reception will be held at SierraBoard of Trustees, Pasadena Humane Society and isFoundation’s Fire Cracker Fun Run on the morningprograms. “I am proud of the work we have doneMadre City Hall, on July 12, 2016 from 5:30 pm toknown for years of work with the Mount Wilson Trailof Independence Day. Race will take place from 8:00in Sierra Madre and am amazed by what we have6:30 pm. The public is welcomed to attend. Race. Pete has dedicated thousands of hours to make - 9:30am (check in 7:00 – 7:45am) in Kersting Court.accomplished over the years. As a resident, I look The City will soon begin the recruitment processsure Sierra Madre is a great place to live, work andThis unofficial 5K Fun Run is geared for the entireforward to the future of the City as the City Council for a new Assistant City Manager. play. Pete and his family blaze the trail living the Sierrafamily to enjoy. Although untimed, a clock is provided. Madre spirit every day. Sierra Madreans that make aRunners and walkers of all ages welcome. Participantsdifference. can bring strollers and dogs (on leashes) with them asCHANTRY RECREATIONAL AREA The Committee is also proud to recognize hometownthis is a true community event! hero Kris Lowe for her years of dedicated service toRegistration is available online. The cost is $26.00CLOSED ON JULY 4TH the Sierra Madre community. A lifetime Sierra Madreper entry regardless of age. Participants will receive In cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, Sierra Madre PD will keep the gates to Chantry Road resident, Kris is a well-loved retired captain of thea custom 2016 Firecracker Fun Run medal! We closed on July the 4th. This is due to the extreme fire danger in the area, and we do not want any Sierra Madre Volunteer Fire Department (SMVFD).encourage everyone to dress up and show their accidental discharge of fireworks in the area to ruin everyone's holiday weekend. The gates will She served the community for over 15 years andpatriotism with the most creative Red, white and blue close on July 3rd at 6 PM and reopen at 6 AM on July 5th in the interest of public safety. continues to volunteer her time to her communityoutfit. Have fun and show your support for the starsthrough charitable events such as the Friends of theand stripes. Library Wine Tasting, Wistaria Festival & the SierraImmediately following the 5K, at 10am sharp, isMadre Volunteer Fire Department Association. the Annual 4th of July parade which kicks off at theKris is also the newest member of the Sierra Madre corner of Sierra Madre Boulevard and SunnysideCommunity Foundation. She is currently a teacherAvenue. The parade travels down Sierra Madre Blvd. with the Glendale Unified School District and the to Sierra Vista Park where the party keeps going. coordinator for the Public Safety Academy at HooverThe after-parade Community Picnic & CelebrationHigh School, a program which certifies youth forstarts at 11:00am with featured music from the Wabash disaster preparedness and emergency response. She isWailers. The Sierra Madre pool will also be open fortruly is preparing the next generation of heroes.FREE. The afternoon will be topped off with games inActivities: the park with the ladies of Sierra Madre Civic Club. NO Grease Sing-Along – Join your neighbors as Pink Wanna throw water balloons at your friends, orLadies and T-birds as we kick the weekend off with challenge your folks to a three-legged race or sack race? a sign-along showing of Grease in Memorial ParkThis picnic is the place to be. Join us for a Home Run FIREWORKS starting at dusk. Snacks will be on hand. Derby and food for sale. IN SIERRA MADRE Sierra Madre Fire helps apply Phos-Chek to the Rose Bowl area and other unnamed communities along the PLEASE! foothills in preparation of this Fourth of July festivities. The main ingredients of Phos-Chek, a preventative fire Reminder the retardant, are phosphates and fertilizers to help prevent plants from burning and re-vegetate burned wildland Fireworks, both areas. As always Sierra Madre’s water tanker will be Safe and Sane and in this year’s Sierra Madre 4th of July Day Parade. Illegal Brands are Photo D. Lee/MVNews FORBIDDEN in Sierra Madre. The City has a "Zero Tolerance" policyand fines could be as much as $1000. Celebrate responsibly and one of the many local firework shows. Details on pg. 4 Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |