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Sierra Madre EditionBreaking News:Inside
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SIERRA MADRE EDITION SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 2018 VOLUME 12 NO. 09 ELECTION COVERAGE On April 10, 2018, voters in Sierra Madre will go to the polls and select three people from a field of four to sit on the City Council. They will also vote on Measure D which attempts to abolish the city’s current Utility User Tax and Measure A an Advisory Measure. The Mountain Views News will provide our readers with comprehensive coverage of this election. Each week, as we have done in the past, we will profile the candidates and give each of the candidates the opportunity to introduce themselves to our readers by answering the following questions: 1. Why are you running for City Council? 2. What are you going to do for Sierra Madre? 3. How do you plan on accomplishing your goals? (All candidates are being asked to answer the same questions and their answers will be published unedited.) This paper will also review the pros and cons of Measure D and Measure A. The schedule will be as follows: March 3rd Candidate Andy Bencosme March 10th Candidate Gene Goss March 17th Candidate Denise Delmar March 24th Candidate Rachelle Arizmendi March 31st Measure D &Advisory Measure A It is our sincere hope that each candidate will submit their answers so that we can share them with our readers. A separate letter has been sent to each candidate asking them to participate. Our reporting on this election will be as fair and objective as possible. However, please keep in mind that our columnists are always free to share their opinions. Their opinions are their opinions and may or may not reflect the position of the paper. This is true in all things, not just this election. We will also provide for you the calendar of important dates regarding the election. It is our goal to do whatever we can to help you make an informed decision on April 10, 2018. Susan Henderson, Publisher and Editor Sierra Madre, CA. – March 2, 2018 – The City Councilunanimously appointed SueSpears to fill the unexpiredterm of the City Clerk at theCouncil meeting on February27, 2018. Ms. Spears and her husband, Bob, are longtime residents ofSierra Madre. For many years, together and individually, they have volunteered in various Sierra Madre organizations and activities. Ms. Spears is currently theGrants Chairperson of theSierra Madre CommunityFoundation and a member of the Mt. Wilson Trail Race Committee. In 1985, Mr. and Mrs. Spears purchased, lovingly restored, and currently live in the “NorrisHouse – Circa 1885,” a home on the Registry ofSierra Madre Historic Homes. Ms. Spears said that“It is an honor and a privilege to be able to serve theCity of Sierra Madre, members of the City Council, and residents as your City Clerk. I welcome thisopportunity to dedicate myself to performingexemplary manner.” The appointment to City Clerk is a result of the resignation of elected City Clerk Melinda Carrillo. Ms. Carrillo resigned as City Clerk in early January. The Council immediately began soliciting applications to complete the unexpired City Clerk term. Several applications were received and the decision to appoint was not an easy one for the City Council. When asked about the appointment, Mayor Rachelle Arizmendi stated that “given the number of qualified candidates that applied, I am confident about our decision to appoint Sue Spears to complete the remaining term of City Clerk. Her past professional experience, in combination with her years of civic engagement, best positions her to meet the needs of a City Clerk as well as the needs of Sierra Madre residents. We are thrilled to welcome her to the team.” Ms. Spears began her term on March 1, 2018 andCITY COUNCIL APPOINTS SUE SPEARS AS CITY CLERK TO FILL UNEXPIRED TERM CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATE ANDY BENCOSME Andy BencosmeCandidate for Sierra Madre CityCouncil 2018 Phone: 626-921-5621 Website: www.Andy4SierraMadre.comFacebook Page: facebook.com/ Andy4SierraMadre eMail: Andy4SierraMadre@gmail.com#Andy4SierraMadre Campaign Manager: Meredith Keith 15 years ago, I took a job Managing a Mid-SizedBusiness in Sierra Madre and fell in love with the community. I later moved here with my wifeJulie, who grew up in Sierra Madre. As a business operator, and later resident, Iquickly grew to appreciate all the community events and traditions that make this a special city. Whether it was the 4th of July Parade, Wisteria Festival, Halloween Happenings, Little LeagueOpening Day. As I became more involved, I joined or volunteered in many organizations. 4thof July Committee, Friends of the Sierra Madre Library, Historical Preservation Society and theCommunity Services Commission. As both a business operator and resident, I have a well-rounded perspective on why people comeand why people stay in Sierra Madre. I have the background and expertise to navigate the complexities of city government. I have anundergraduate degree in History and a Master’s degree in Business Administration. I was a teacherand later in upper management for a tech company before moving to Sierra Madre. I have managedbudgets of $90 Million with 2,000 employees and classrooms of 35 high schoolers with $0 budget. I care and am passionate about this town and the traditions that make it special. I believe inkeeping our traditions, our small-town feel, our sense of pride in having our own Police, our ownRose Float, our unique local businesses and our own Library. As a small city, we have challenges. Deferred maintenance, failing infrastructure, mountingpension obligations, badly needed Library repairs and limited funding resources, but all of thiscan be surmounted by critical, strategic long-term thinking, thorough analysis and prioritizingwhat makes us special. Together we can do it! Thank you and I would be honored for you vote on April 10th. P.S. -Sierra Madre Buisness of the Year Recipient Sandy Duvall and Co-Founder of Free AnimalDoctor Sam Bernardo will host a reception for Andy Bencosme's Ciyt Council Campaign onThursday March 8th 4-6 pm. at 70 E Montecito Ave, Sierra Madre the duties of the Sierra Madre City Clerk in an will serve until April 2020. IN SIERRA MADRE, EVERYTHING’S COMING UP ROSES……FOR NOW City will be faced with insurmountable financial troubles should Ballot Measure D pass Times have been going well of late in Sierra Madre. The Council has been working responsibly to address the challenges of maintaining the excellent quality of life that residents enjoy. Sierra Madre has retained its Police Department and elevated the Fire Department from a volunteer department to a fully funded one. City services have been restored to normal levels after a few years of major staff reductions. The city has overcome the issues with its water, and Public Works has been relentless in in their efforts to maintain Sierra Madre’s infrastructure. Much of this has been accomplished in the short time that City Manager Gabe Engeland. In the next few weeks you will her Mayor Rachelle Arizmendi deliver The State of the City Address which will give a more detailed description of how the city is doing, now. However, the future of the city and its future prosperity will be in the hands of voters on April 10, 2018 when decisions will be made on who will sit on the council for the next four years and whether or not the Utility Users Tax (Measure D), will be abolished. Measure D proponents want to end the tax that is paid by both homeowners, renters and commercial properties. If the Measure passes, the city would lose 24% of its General Fund revenue. At Tuesday’s council meeting the city manager explained what such a reduction would mean. One resident called the reality of abolishing the UUT ‘sobering’. According to Mayor Arizmendi, “A total repeal of the UUT would decimate the City as we know it. We may be able to sustain for one year- but we would eventually need to consider extreme measures such as disincorporating. Given that 72% of voters in 2016 decided that maintaining the UUT at the current rate was best for our community- I am confident that they understand the dire repercussions of the measure passing. We need residents to vote No on D”. REMEMBRANCE JAMES MICHAEL POET March 30, 1935 – February 15, 2018 ARCADIA – James Michael Poet of Sierra Madre died Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 in Arcadia, CA. at the age of 82. Known to his friends and family as “Opa,” he was bestknown for his “need for speed,” his love of buildingfast cars and fast motorcycles, his generosity, and hiswillingness to tell a good story. At 82 years old, onecould still see Opa riding his Haley Davidson aroundtown or cruising in his iconic 1932 Ford Coupehotrod. Opa lived life his way and on his terms. Opa spent his working career in the automotiveindustry and earned numerous Service Awardsfrom the Toyota Corporation. Always one to valuehardwork, Opa would often say, “…a good job is aclean job.” And in this, he led by example. He is survived by his wife Eva Poet and his childrenJames Curtis Poet, Cheri Hardesty, Mark Lambdin, and Glenn Lambdin. Also surviving are grandchildren Cassandra Merrill, Sara Hardesty-Davis, Eric Hardesty, JamesForrest Poet, Michelle Poet, Kathryn LaFleur, Eli Lambdin, William Lambdin, Taylor Ingram, and Joel Ingram. A Celebration of Life Service was held on Saturday, Feb. 24, 2018, in Monrovia and was attended byfriends, family, hotrods and Harleys. Opa’s final BYWA was celebrated by a parade of hotrods, Harleys, andburnouts ending with a picnic and a gathering of friends and family at Sierra Madre Memorial Park. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |