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SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 2018 VOLUME 12 NO. 12 PASADENA EDITION SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 2018 VOLUME 12 NO. 12 PASADENA EDITION $20,000Reward In Murder Of Motorist Supervisor Kathryn Barger introduced a motion before the Board of Supervisors Tuesday, asking for a $20,000 reward for the person(s) responsible for dropping a boulder from the overpass at Orange Grove Boulevard in Pasadena onto the 134 freeway resulting in the death of Cristopher Lopez. On Tuesday, March 13, at approximately 8:55 p.m., Guadalupe Gutierrez was driving with her husband, Cristopher Lopez, their 4 year-old daughter and Mrs. Gutierrez’ mother westbound in the HOV lane, at approximately 70 miles per hour. When the car passed under Orange Grove Boulevard in Pasadena, a 30-pound boulder crashed through the windshield hitting Mr. Lopez who was seated in the passenger seat. Mrs. Gutierrez drove her husband directly to Glendale Adventist Medical Center. Despite the efforts of emergency personnel, Mr. Lopez succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced deceased at the hospital. Mr. Lopez is survived by his expectant wife Guadalupe and their daughter. CHP investigators are seeking witnesses who may have noticed any suspicious person(s) or activities around the area of Orange Grove Boulevard and State Route 134 freeway on the evening of the incident. Anyone with any information should call Crime Stoppers Hotline 1-800-222-8477. Residents Call for Transparency for New Power Plant Above Pasadena The city of Glendale’s Planning Commission voted 2 to 1 Wednesday night against adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration that would have allowed the construction of a 12-megawatt power generation facility southeast of Pasadena above the Arroyo Seco. They also voted 2 to 1 in favor of a full Environmental Impact Report for the project after many in the audience demanded it. Of the 34 speakers only one was a resident of Pasadena although the project is less than a mile from Pasadena’s Linda Vista neighborhood and the Rose Bowl. “I only found out about this whole situation a few days ago,” said, Nina Chomsky, President of the Linda Vista~Annandale Association. “I discovered in my research that the city didn’t bother to notify me or Council member Steve Madison of this proposed project or the Linda Vista~Annandale Association.” She went on, “It looks like there is a whole plan to redo Glendale’s power operations, we know about the expansion idea Pasadena Announces Transit to Trails Bus Service The County Board of Supervisors approved a motion Tuesday to partner with the City of Pasadena, the Trust for Public Land, Edison International and the Wilderness Society to implement a six-month pilot bus service in the unincorporated Altadena area. SAN MARINO/SO. PAS Pg. 4 SIERRA MADRE Pg. 5 ARCADIA Pg. 6 MONROVIA THE ARTS B2 CALENDAR Pg. 2 MORE PASADENA NEWS Pg. 3 THE GOOD LIFE Pg. 9 AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY B1 EDUCATION/YOUTH Pg. 7 BEST FRIENDS Pg. 11 SECTION B: BUSINESS NEWS B3 OPINION B4 LEGAL NOTICES B5 FOOD & DRINK Pg. 8 WORLD AROUND US Pg. 10 The pilot service will connect the Metro Gold Line at Memorial Park Station with the Sam Merrill Trailhead in Altadena. Service would extend from April 7 to Sept. 30 on Saturdays and Sundays between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. “This exciting partnership expands access to open space recreation and provides another option to improve regional transit connectivity for our residents in the Altadena community,” Supervisor Barger said. Mayor Terry Tornek stated, “This new service will provide a convenient transportation option to access this wonderful open space for the local and regional community. We are pleased to work with our partners on this project.” To celebrate the launch of the route, an event will be held at Memorial Park at 9 a.m. on April 7. Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek and Supervisor Barger will be in attendance. “The Trust for Public Land is excited to partner [of the landfill] then we have this proposal and we have two more projects and they’re all related? how could they not be?” Chomsky noted that she was not speaking on behalf of the Linda Vista~Annandale Association. She alleged the projects secrecy was illegal. “To breakdown these four projects and have them all float around in different universes and somehow they’ll come back together someday. That is not permitted under CEQA [ California Environmental Quality Act] Other speakers did make note of the projects proximity to Art Center in Pasadena, Kids Space and the Aquatic Center in Brookside Park. At issue was the projects Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. Many of the public were concerned about fire, earthquakes, noise and air quality. “We are always concerned about fire in the Linda Vista~Annandale area,” Chomsky said. “We have open with the City of Pasadena, Edison International, Supervisor Barger’s office and the Wilderness Society to increase access to the San Gabriels. Transit to open space projects are an important way to connect the short distances between our foothill cities and our local mountains,” Tori Kjer, Los Angeles Program Director said. This new route, Pasadena Transit Route 88, will use clean fuel Compressed Natural Gas buses and serve stops along the route. Travel time to the trailhead is 23 minutes. Buses will leave every half hour from the northbound Raymond andHolly bus stop between 7:05 a.m. to 4:35 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. The last bus will depart from the Trailhead at 5 p.m. For more route or schedule information call 626-744-4055 or visit www.pasadenatransit. net. “Supervisor Barger, Mayor Tornek and their staff have made this process easy and are committing real money to make this project a success! We’re interested in working with more cities and municipalities to see this type of innovative program serve more communities,” said Daniel Rossman California Deputy Director with the Wilderness Society, a Nature for All Coalition member. The popular Sam Merrill Trail provides access to exclusive areas in the San Gabriel Mountain Range. Funding for the county’s portion of the estimated costs would come from the supervisor’s Fifth District discretionary transit funds. canyons, we have the narrow streets... and add 90,000 people at the Rose Bowl for an event panicked to get out.” One resident were so far as to relate the project and air pollution to adding more than 1000 cars on the freeway every hour every day of the year. According to a Glendale city staff report they are proposing a 12 megawatt power generation facility (utility and transmission facility) that will utilize landfill gas to generate renewable energy at 2.2 acre area located at southern portion of a 535 acre site (Scholl Canyon Landfill) that is located in the SR (Special Recreation) Zone. The Project includes the construction of two 1,000 square foot modular office buildings, a 60,000 gallon fire water tank, a 10,000 gallon water storage tank, a two-thirds of mile natural gas pipeline system, four 840 square-foot engine generator enclosures with 40foot tall exhaust stacks that are three-feet in diameter, 40-foot tall flare stack, retaining walls (up to 23-feet tall) and a 384 square-foot power distribution center. Pasadena Conference on HealthyAging Seniors 50 and older will fine-tune their lives, health, safety, relationships and more at the free Pasadena Conference on Healthy Aging scheduled Saturday, April 28, from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the campus of First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, 3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. The conference will begin with a keynote address by Dr. Laura Mosqueda, interim dean and professor of family medicine and geriatrics at USC’s Keck School of Medicine. The title of her presentation will be “Aging with Purpose: Grace, Meaning and Joy.” Workshop topics will range from medical marijuana to senior cyber safety. There also will be workshops on the latest updates on Medicare, financial security, caregiver support and more, plus demonstrations, health screenings and an exhibitor hall. While there is no cost to attend the conference, registration is required. Visit pasadenaseniorcenter.org or call 626-685-6730 to register or for more information. Free lunch will be provided to registered participants. Orange Grove ProjectMeeting Canceled Hundreds of Pasadena residents joined Mayor Terry Tornek, Councilmembers Gene Masuda and Margaret McAustin, and City staff, Thursday, to discuss the proposed Orange Grove Boulevard. “Road Diet” project. Over 100 of the attendees provided public comment. There will be time for additional public comment before any decisions are made; however, for the reasons set forth below, the second community meeting that was scheduled for March 28 has been postponed until further notice. As was discussed at the meeting, the proposed timing for the resurfacing of Orange Grove Boulevard, which would necessarily precede any restriping of the street to implement a “Road Diet”, is expected to be postponed for approximately twelve months to allow time for the Water and Power Department to install a proposed 3.5 mile water transmission line from Sunset Avenue to Sierra Madre Boulevard. In other words, any decision on the “Road Diet” is likewise being postponed. While the intent of the proposed “Road Diet” is to enhance safety, it is clear that there are many concerns regarding the potential impacts of the project as it has been proposed. These concerns have been taken to heart by the City representatives. Given delays caused by the water transmission line project, City staff has an opportunity to develop greater community dialog and to work toward an approach that is more likely to be accepted by the community. Additional information will be shared as it becomes available. “We are grateful to all those who participated at the meeting, or made their thoughts known previously. Pasadena’s engaged and informed citizenry is one of things that makes our community so special,” stated City Manager Steve Mermell A copy of the presentation provided at yesterday’s meeting and project updates can be found at the project website located at http:// saferstreets.cityofpasadena. net Arts and Sciences Talk and Museum Tour Pasadena thinks with both sides of the brain and has always embraced the arts and sciences. As it grew and developed as a city, Pasadena became a hub for culture, scientific experimentation, creativity and thinking outside the box. Explore some of the stories behind Pasadena’s inspiring and multifaceted history and learn about several of the improbable people who propelled Pasadena into the 21st century and beyond Friday, April 20, at 11 a.m. when a talk at the Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St., will be followed by a tour of the Pasadena Museum of History’s new exhibition “Dreaming the Universe: The Intersection of Science, Fiction and Southern California.” The event will be presented by Julia Long, founder of Pasadena Walking Tours. The cost for members of the Pasadena Senior Center is only $10. Transportation to the museum is not included, and there will be an additional cost to enter the museum ($9 general admission and $8 students and senior citizens). Sign up for the talk only, the museum visit only or the combined talk and museum tour by stopping by the Welcome Desk at the Pasadena Senior Center or calling 626-795-4331. For more information visit pasadenaseniorcenter.org. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | |||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |