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Inside this Week: Sierra Madre 91024: Around The San Gabriel Valley: Pasadena & Altadena: Public Safety: Good Food & Drink: Opinion: Left/Right: The World Around Us: The Good Life: Home & Property: Columnists: Recent
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SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 2010 VOLUME 4 NO. 37 A Busy Summer’s End Residents of Sierra Madre have been engaged in a plethora of activities the last few weeks of summer. Among them were last week’s Individual Emergency Preparedness Festival and A Taste of Sierra Madre. In addition, activities for youth, such as the Library’s Summer Reading program have kept children and families busy, busy, busy! Clockwise, from top left to right, one young resident enjoys the best seat in town on Dad’s shoulders as they stroll through Kersting Court. (Photo by C. Bertrand) Above are some of the 75+ children that participated in the Library’s Summer Reading Program. A pool party was held at the city’s swimming pool to congratulate the youth for their commitment to reading during summer vacation. Each student read between 30 and 254, yes, 254 books over the summer! Funding for the Challenger Program (the upper level children) was provided by the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club. (Photo by S. Henderson) Each child received a Certificate of Recognition, a book and a frog, inflatable of course! Last week families had the chance to learn what to do in the event of an emergency. The Quakey, Shakey School House (left) allowed visitors to simulate an earthquake and instruct them on what to do. (Photo by D. Lee). Also among those seen around town during this summer were the teen volunteers who works with H2Owl. (Photo by C. Bertrand) City Announces 2010 Sierra Madre Honors... Awardees The annual recognition of outstanding service to the city, whether by staff or volunteers will be held on September 23, 2010. At that time Sierra Madre will have the opportunity to recognize and honor its volunteers, City Commissioners and employees. Sierra Madre Honors… recognizes all out-going City Commissioners and awardees selected from nominations submitted to the Mayor’s Ad-Hoc Committee comprised of past recipients. The following are the awardees for 2010: George Maurer Lifetime Service Award – George Enyedi Presented to a person/entity that most strongly represents a commitment to serving and volunteering, which is the true spirit of Sierra Madre, over the course of a lifetime Wistaria Award – Sierra Madre Little League In recognition of City/Community partnership, presented to a local business or organization whose major contributions to the City/Community of Sierra Madre have demonstrated a true partnership which assists in and provides services, programs or enhances the general welfare of the community Police Chief’s Special Award – Carroll Eugene Gray Presented by the Sierra Madre Chief of Police to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding dedication to duty (employee) or service (community) in resolving a community law enforcement-related issue Public Safety Award – Hank Landsberg Presented by the Mayor to an individual, either an employee or citizen, who took action to protect and maintain the safety of the community Public Service Award – Debbie Henderson Employee of the Year – presented by the Mayor upon the recommendation of the City Manager to an extraordinary city employee who has represented remarkable customer and public service as well as dedication to the citizens of Sierra Madre Community Youth Service Award – Brittany Dashek and Taryn Clark Presented by the Mayor to a young adult in the community who demonstrates dedication and outstanding service to the community. The 2010 Sierra Madre Honors… Dinner and Awards will be held on Thursday, September 23 in Sierra Madre by invitation only. For more information contact the Community and Personnel Services Department at 626- 355-5278. Council Returns To Full Agenda By Susan Henderson The brief vacation that members of the Sierra Madre City Council had during the month of August (one meeting), did nothing to stop the accumulation of issues that needed to be addresses upon their return. At their first meeting after the break on Tuesday night, old and new issues dominated the agenda. Most notably was letter sent to the council by several members of the community alleging that the city had not followed the law when it notified residents of the proposed water rate increase. The allegations also suggest that the city failed to disclose the true reasons for the proposed rate increase. Information that was sent to residents and made public to the city suggest otherwise. Resident John Hermann, who signed the letter with two other residents and Former Mayor Kurt Zimmerman, said that his concerns were quite simple. Hermann said that after residing in the city for more than 50 years and watching over “a couple decades” of water issues that had been mishandled in the past, “questioning the historical presentation of the numbers that have been passed down” is my only concern. He went on to say, “I trust our city government. I was very impressed with Bruce Inman and the water tour. I just feel that there should be enough expertise in City Hall to make certain that we don’t get out pockets picked.” Other Items: On the agenda for the evening were two other proposed fee increases. A Public Hearings was held on a proposed increase in the City Wide User Fee Schedule and consideration of an increase in the Public Facilities Fees (Development Impact Fees). A Family Tradition Continues Webster’s Fine Stationary of Altadena By LaQuetta Shamblee PRESENTEDBYRiboliFamilyWineEstates&SanAntonioWineryProceedstobenefitCityofHopeSaturday,October9,20104–7p.m. DowntownSierraMadreatBaldwinandSierraMadreBlvd. VIPSanAntonioWineryWineGarden6:30-10:00p.m. Ticketsavailableatwww.sierramadrewineandjazzwalk.comoratparticipatingBusinessesTickets$40pre-sale•$50dayofevent$75VIPPackageincludesVIPWineGarden•StrollthoughhistoricdowntownSierraMadre•Browseinlocalshops•Tastefinewinesandsamplelocalcuisine•ListentoLiveWorldClassJazzBands•EnjoyaFabulousSilentAuction•JoinCityofHopeBoneMarrowRegistry•ViewexoticcarsondisplayfromtheFerrariClubofAmericaandRusnakMercedesBenz What does Webster’s Fine Stationers have in common with the U.S. Treasury Department? Both purchase specialty paper products from Crane & Company, the Massachusetts-based enterprise that has supplied “paper” manufactured from cotton rags since 1810. This local store is the only Altadena location where fine stationery from this manufacturer is sold. The familiar façade at 2540 N. Lake Avenue, Suite B gives no indication of major changes that took place three years ago when the family business restructured, dividing the pharmacy, liquor and Hallmark divisions into three separate entities. That’s when Lori Elliot Webster and her husband Scott purchased the stationery division. He is the grandson of Frank Webster who founded the original pharmacy and liquor store in 1926. The sign outside may say stationery, but an interior perusal quickly validates Lori’s contention, “it’s not just stationery, we’ve made this more of a lifestyle boutique.’ All of the core essentials needed in a home office are stocked, plus basic services like faxing, copying, laminating, personal mail boxes, packaging and overnight shipping via UPS or FedX.” Back-to- school supplies and a collection of children’s toys and gifts round out the selection with something for the entire family. An impressive selection of gift items, artwork and books by Altadena artists and authors is available. Onsite packaging and shipping makes out- of-town gift giving ideal. Fancifully illustrated greeting cards by Karen Bagnard and wooden wall art by Danielson Designs and Custom Wallscapes are two of the newest additions noted on their website (click tab: “what’s new at wfs”). This type of support, distribution and visibility is critical to artists’ and authors’ ability to generate and establish income from their creative talents. With a commitment to running the business in an eco-friendly and socially responsible manner, they carry a growing inventory of merchandise that is fair trade or made in the USA. “When deciding what to carry in our store, we try to offer merchandise that has meaning,” states Lori. Some of the jewelry on display is distributed by Georgia-based, Open Hand Design, which donates 10% of sales to the “Not For Sale” Campaign to combat the contemporary problem of human trafficking. With more than 500 followers on Facebook and almost 400 on Twitter, it’s clear that technology has become the hub for communicating with the community and customers about the happenings here. Basics like their user-friendly website and e-mail are complemented by having almost 600 followers on Facebook and almost 400 on Twitter.” Upcoming events include a Social Media “Meet & Greet” the first week in October that includes a wine tasting. Local bloggers will be featured, including Timothy Rutt (Altadenablog.com) and Debbi Swanson Patrick (“Altadena Above It All”). Ideal for baby boomers and beyond, this event will include a “how- to’s” on using Facebook and You Tube. As part of their participation in “Shop Local Altadena,” customers can save 15%-off for purchases over $20. Open seven days a week, Webster’s Fine Stationers is located at 2540 N. Lake Avenue, Altadena, CA 91001. For easy, online shopping, or to sign-up for Facebook or Tritter to learn about upcoming events, visit www.webstersfinestationers. com. For additional information, call (626) 797-1135 or e-mail lorinscott_1@msn.com. Inside This Week... CALENDAR Page 2 SIERRA MADRE Page 3 AROUND SGV Page 4 PASADENA/ALTADENA Page 5 FEATURES Public Safety Page 6 Education & Youth Page 7 Good Food & Drink Page 8 Legals Page 9 Opinion Page 10 Left Turn/Right Turn Page 11 The World Around Us Page 12 The Good Life Page 13 SPORTS Page 14 Homes & Property Page 15 TASTE OF ARCADIA Page 16 Read The Paper Online At: www.mtnviewsnews.com
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |